Requested Pics/Pics of others by me
Requested Pics= **
Pic Trades= *
Chirstmas present for my rookery sis Demmy. It's of her and her
mate Syrmel, enjoy you two! ^_^
request, this one is The Lady Silver. The water in the backround
is not a paint. It was done by hand with a mouse on the computer.
Also, I like how all the colors in the pic go with each other
NewThis is another pic of Elliot. The other four
pics I made for him were bugging me cause I didn't like em very
much. Funny how I got this one from a bubble sketch with wings
ont he bottom of my french quiz, enjoy this Els! ^_^
This is my half of a pic
trade wif Kalika. I did this with some prisma color pencils, and
I like the fariy in her hand ^_^
Pics of '99
Pics of '98