Guest Gallery
Here's the spot in my art gallery where I store all the pics of me and or my characters by other people. I LOVE drawing and I LOVE getting pics from other people. It's really thrilling to see how other people envision me. Yeah, these are mostly all pics and trades, but there are a few that were a suprise, and I just adore all of them, so thanks a bunch to everyone who drew me, you guys are awsome!
It's a pic of me by Silver. I just found it in my mail with a
thank you for doing her pic for me. Thanx Silver, this is real
sweet of ya.
NewEEEeeeee! Really early B-Day present from ma
rookery sis Demonalisa! Thanx grl! *hugs!*
NewOoooo...Bremmy-chan did this one for me! I wuv it
so. Thank you Brem! *huggles*
Eeeee....Ericka colored tha pic of me!
Spiiiiiiffey, nay? Tankie thee Ericka! ^_^
This is Kalika's part of a pic trade! I LOOOVE
this pic! *slobbers over the dress and huggles Kal to lack of
OOOOOOooooooo....I WUV WUV WUV this pic. It's
Naight Wing's part of our pic trade. I think it really captures
the adittude that Caitlingoyle poses. *huggles Night Wing*