Pix of Me Drawn by Me
NewThis was a pic I originally did for Elliot's
birthday a few months ago, but I didn't like it very much so it
never got finished.
NewAnd this was the one I liked better and ended up
being his present ^_^;
NewI really like these two, they are a rather tragic
pair. In love, but due to problems it is nessessary that they
keep there love for one another a secret. They don't have names
as of yet, and they aren't mermaids, they are sea elves.
NewI'd like to introduce to you a brand new
character of mine. She is of the elven race, her name is Kumori
Shinkan. I drew her one day and I really liked her, so now I use
her as a RPing character in some chats.
NewYet another pic of Kumori. It's a really cute
chibi pic of her and Venakali.
really new. Just took me a while to post it. it is kinda in
memory of my pet rat G.G. she was one of the best pets I ever had.
It may sound kinda weird to some, but it's the truth.
day my best friend got sick on me. She needed some cheering so
Caitlingoyle brought her some flowers to make her feel better ^_^
Pics of '99
Pics of '98
Caitlingoyle stage 2 | Caitlingoyle stage 3 | Angry | |
Cheerleader | Me in human form | Caitlingoyle stage 1 | |
Demonalisa and Me | B&W Sketch | Me in human form | Moonlight Pose |